Wardrobe Wednesday (Halloween Edition)

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Boo! With Halloween coming up this weekend I thought, what would be more appropriate than a Halloween themed Wardrobe Wednesday?!? What are the popular costumes in your house this year? The little ones I’ve been hanging around lately are either feeling funny, feeling like a princess or dressing up like Ninjas (the overwhelming winner!) For […]

It’s Costume Time!

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It’s October, so what does that mean?!? Halloween is right around the corner! Spaces are limited for Mary Bea Photography Halloween Mini Sessions so schedule soon! #MountainViewChildrensphotographer #costumes #minisession #miniportraitsession #halloween #marybeaphotography #MountainViewFamilyPhotography

Happy Halloween!!

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Some fun shots from the shoot on Monday – getting in the spooky spirit. Going up late though thanks to the really spooky lack of power out here in NY, where I am to see family and celebrate an awesome couples nuptials! #children #bumblebee #candid #black #girl #halloween #yellow #bee #marybeaphotography #nature #tree #family #outdoor

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